Friday, 22 April 2011


Discombobulated inside out

I find this week’s column almost impossible to write.

My brief is to write about anything I like as long as what I write is related to the IT environment.

Well truthfully the IT environment at the moment is about as interesting or sexy as a babe in a nightie wearing smelly vellies.

The local elections are here, Julias Malema is arguing in court he actually loves me, Winnie just called the court illiterate and with that pronouncement one assumes the Judge presiding as well.

A man is beaten and shot at point blank range by rubber or hard nose ammunition, it matters not a jot which, he is dead, by a pack of ill disciplined cowards masquerading as police in the full glare of the media.

The policemen are condemned by Government and at the same time, so are the media who reported the act. In fact the media are to be or have been reported for offending sensitive viewers.

George Louca, accused of murdering Lolly Jackson has surfaced and been giving interviews, Tony Ehrenrich is nominated as Cape Town candidate for Mayor by the ANC and threatens to bring charges of corruption against the DA led council for building bicycle lanes in affluent suburbs.

Manyi has me more discombobulated than my neutered worsie.

He is recently reported as being unapologetic regarding his racist stance regarding the coloureds in the Western Cape, while an apology for his racist stance was preferred ostensibly on his behalf by the Government spokesman.

The ANCYL led by the leadership (read Julius) were on their way to campaign for the local government elections outside Gatcha’s house?

Mbalula is calling Asmal’s current contribution to popular discourse “rumblings of a raving lunatic”. 

Asmal also refers to “some” in the current ANC leadership as having “slithered from under stones” and Manuel likens others as being in the league of Adolf Hitler. (iWeekWednesday, 13 April 2011)

I ask you with tears in my eyes.

This is juicy stuff.

I must ignore probably the most skinner filled period in our political history and “keep it IT”.

Ok, here goes nothing, I’ll try.

Winnie said outside the court today at the Julias Malema hearing Malema was there not just as youth league leader, but as the ANC's representative.

Malema thanked the crowd and said he could not speak about what was said in court as it was "used inside". 
He urged the crowd to remain disciplined "so we don't give enemies anything to talk about".

Let me get this straight, what’s being said by Malema “inside” is that what he’s saying “outside” isn’t what he says “inside”.
Malema can’t speak outside about what’s said inside because what he says outside gets used inside.

However what Malema is saying inside about what he’s saying outside (kill the boer) "so we don't give enemies anything to talk about” does not translate.

Patently the people inside are the enemy inside out.
Confused? Never mind spare a thought for me.
The only thing I know is how little I do know. I learned to read from a newspaper while sitting on my grandpa's lap. I was given my first children's book, a second hand one at that, by my sister on my seventh birthday. I have a natural predilection for fact over fiction.
I am essentially an objectivist as a consequence of my youthful deprivation more by default than design. Objectivism (disambiguation) holds that reality exists quite independent of consciousness and that perception can lead you to attaining objective knowledge.
Perception can lead you to attaining objective knowledge through the process of concept formation and inductive and deductive logic.
The process of concept formation and inductive and deductive logic of objectivism leads to the conclusion that the moral purpose of the individual is the pursuit of individual happiness or self interest.

The only social system consistent with this morality is the system that upholds complete respect for individual rights.

Consequently as a victim of my circumstance and accidental disciple of logic there is in the reference by Winnie to the illiteracy of the Judiciary - which she will deny she meant, and Malema’s reference to the enemy, which logic dictates is the people he refers to in his song - a deep rooted contempt and total disrespect for individual rights.

It is not what is being said inside the court that will dictate the outcome of the hate speech trial and not what some supporters of (kill the boer) mean when they sing the song, but what Malema means when he speaks outside about singing it.
Malema is constantly quoted as saying he only bears reference to the armed struggle, not a call to violence.
It is the Transvaal Agricultural Union of SA “inside” the court Mr. Malema you don’t want to give “outside” something to talk about “inside”, the Boer, the enemy in the "so we don't give enemies anything to talk about”
I for one am left with absolutely no illusion regarding what Malema means or what he wants.

I just wish he’d stop flip flopping and come right out with it.
As for the protester murdered in cold blood by a gang of thugs in full view of the media, not allegedly, definitely, I am astounded by the speed with which the matter has been investigated on the eve of a Municipal election.

Colonel Sam Makhele, the spokesperson for the Free State police commissioner, said that deaths in police hands were rare. "It's unfortunate that someone lost his life, but it is an isolated incident," he said. "We've never experienced such a thing in the province."
But according to the ICD's annual report, in the Free State seven suspects died while they were being arrested and 47 died as a result of police action or in police custody.
The Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD), according to its 2010 annual report, investigated 1 769 cases of people dying in police custody or as a result of police action.
Farmers are being murdered in their hundreds, thousands in fact have been murdered or shall we say they haven’t?

The police statistics in the 2010 annual report show deaths from police action or custody have doubled over the previous year. 1769 civilians died at the hands of police or in their custody.
Manyi wants coloureds to spread themselves thin, to migrate, to make way for blacks, to promote representivity I don’t think so, its about absolute power.
Oh man it doesn’t take me, the courts, the alliance partners or the media to tell the ruling party it’s making an absolute knob of itself.
Or that the second coming of Christ may be here sooner than some think if they don’t get their act together.
Now back to the IT slant to my column, I’ve run out of space, my editor has run out of deadline and all I can offer is that I wrote my column on a Toshiba Qosmio I bought from a chap emigrating for a song.
It’s quite wonderful really but for all its glitz and glamour it needs a R150 cooling pad or will fry your nuts if you use it as a “lap”top.


William Grieve said...

Hey Bartman - only you could write like this. Interesting stuff and makes me a little light headed - I smile, frown and shed a tear - in the same emotional wave - whilst being transported through words from one circumstance to the next to the next - like a high speed course in dancing the different types - but for 10 seconds each only - then the music changes. Nice read mate. bill

Bart's Blog said...

Thank you Bill. It is a hard war being waged here. Just to maintain a sense of purpose and dignity.

Unknown said...

You a bald old man yeas?

Bart's Blog said...

Bald, not quite yet. Old, not quite yet. But you hiding in anonymity are not only common but must also be very, very fuggly. Yeas?